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miercuri, 16 iulie 2014

American coot breeding


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The American coot migrates north from February through May and begins nesting withintwo weeks of its arrival. However, some birds remain year-round in parts of the U.S. Courtship displays include increased calling and a bowing and nibbling ritual, in which one coot remains stillwhile the other preens its feathers.

Coots are monogomous; they mate on land or on their platform nests, which are built by both sexes from reeds, grasses and cattails. The female usually lays about 9–10 eggs with dark-brown spots, and the pair takes turns incubating the eggs for 21–25 days.The chicks are covered with down and are able to swim and dive soon after hatching, but they return to the nest for frequent brooding and are fed by the parents for two weeks, becoming independent over the next 5–8 weeks. Nesting success is usually over 80%, mainly due to the parents’ steadfast defense of the nest throughout courtship, incubation and fledging.

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