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marți, 22 iulie 2014

Canada goose conservation


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The Canada goose isn’t under threat as a species, but its future depends upon the conservation of its winter-range wetlands — many have been drained for urban development and farming. Efforts by wildlife and conservation organizations have brought hope that vital habitats will be safeguarded.


Geese become restless as the time approaches for the southern migration. On a signal from a dominant male, they face the wind.


With a honking chorus and a flurry of wings, the great autumn journey gets under way. Flocks at first mill around, but soon all head south.

Did you know?

• The Canada goose quickly learns to fly higher than usual during the hunting season and feed whenever possible in areas where shooting is banned.
• During its marathon migration, the goose cruises at about 4 mph, usually at altitudes up to 3,300'. On occasion, the bird has been known to fly over mountains 12,045' high.
• The bond between a pair of Canada geese is so strong that if one I injured during migration, its partner will stay behind with it.

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