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marți, 29 iulie 2014

Food & feeding


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The American robin changes its diet throughout the year to reap the rewards of seasonally available foods. During the warm spring and summer months, the robin surveys backyard lawns, meadows and even golf courses to search for its favorite food — earthworms. The robin peers carefully across the ground for the worm’s tunnels, then pokes in its beak to search for food.

The robin also munches on a variety of insects, from ants and beetles to termites and weevils. Even quick-hopping grasshoppers and fluttering butterflies aren’t safe from the American robin. In the fall, the robin feasts on carbohydrate-rich fruits, which help it fatten up in preparation for a harsh winter or long migration.Those birds that do overwinter in northern regions exist on the berries and seeds that remain uncovered by snow. Pieces of oranges and apples, raisins and bread provide tasty treats at bird feeders. Old apple orchards provide retreats from the cold.

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