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marți, 15 iulie 2014

Something about American cliff swallow


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• Elegantly colored small bird that forages for insect prey while in flight
• Chases after swarms of insects with its tiny mouth wide open
• Groups gather mud to build nests in colonies on cliffs, canyons, bridges or buildings

The cliff swallow migrates to its North American breeding grounds,arriving from March to May.True to its name, the bird has historically nested on the sides of steep cliffs. Though the cliff swallow still settles along the cliffs and canyons of western North America, it has adapted to alternative nesting sites across the U.S.: many bridges, dams or buildings offer protective overhangs and suitable vertical surfaces on which to attach a nest. Swallows also need open areas for foraging and a water source for the mud necessary to build their nests. In the fall, the birds and their young are among the earliest migrants south; large flocks fly to South America.

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